Policy for Fact-Checking

a) The neuzverse is committed to publishing accurate information in all of its content. To ensure accuracy, we take numerous measures: We look into claims skeptically; challenge presumptions; and question established wisdom.

b) We are committed to ensuring that all of its output is accurate. This dedication is essential to our reputation and audience trust. The term ‘due’ implies that the precision should be sufficient and proper to the result, assessing the subject and nature of the substance and expressly notice/underline any requirement that might impact that assumption.

c) This implies all our result, as fitting to its substance and nature, should be all around obtained, in light of accessible proof, and authenticated. We strive to avoid speculative speculation and be open and honest about what we do not know.

d) Our journalists never intentionally misrepresent facts or the context, including visual information.

e) To confirm claims, information, and allegations, particularly those made by public officials or individuals with ulterior motives, we seek independent verification from sources. Most of the time, claims, allegations, material facts, and other content that can’t be proven are attributed.

d) The neuzverse is confident in the accuracy of the information it publishes. Whenever demonstrated in any case, we change the news thing/data as fast as could be expected. We don’t intentionally and tangibly misdirect our crowds. We do not present invented material as facts or distort facts, both of which can undermine our audiences’ trust in our content. We recognize serious verifiable mistakes and right them rapidly, obviously and fittingly.

e) We give a fair an open door to the general population to report any mistakes or blunders in our reportage by means of ‘Propose A Revision’ segment that shows up toward the finish of each and every web-story that is distributed.

f) The primary duties of our journalists include reporting, writing, and fact-checking stories. One or more editors can look over the stories. For stories that call for careful investigation, the neuzverse has a structure with multiple levels for fact checking. There are a variety of factors that influence the seniority of editors who review a story before it is published, including its complexity, sensitivity, and the urgency of the situation.

Our Policies for Correcting Errors Although The Neuzverse.com constantly strives for excellence and accuracy, we accept that we may occasionally make mistakes. The neuzverse.com will take responsibility for correcting these errors and will maintain a high level of transparency to ensure that incorrect information does not spread to other parties.

Each party must take the following actions in order to achieve excellence, transparency, and accuracy:


If a reader notices an error, they should immediately get in touch with via email, phone, mail, or in person.

Email: rky27443@gmail.com

Sub: Remedy Required

A remedy isn’t formally submitted until the peruser contacts the proofreader in-boss straightforwardly. Rectifications submitted to other neuzverse.com staff individuals may not be tended to sooner rather than later or by any stretch of the imagination.

Assuming that sent by email or mail, adjustments ought to incorporate the revision, the issue date or number, where the amendment was found (on paper, on the web, and so forth.) the reader’s name and contact information, such as a phone number or email address. The correct information and, if applicable, a reference to the source should also be provided by readers. For instance, assuming that an Understudy Senate vote count was wrong, if it’s not too much trouble, give the minutes from that gathering.

The peruser can anticipate a reaction from the manager in-boss and might be reached further on the off chance that an explanation is noted or the supervisor needs more data. Kindly note that a revision accommodation is an assurance that the mistake will be examined however not an assurance that a rectification will be given.

THE neuzverse.com:

When the proofreader in-boss is made mindful of a mistake, the person in question will examine the blunder utilizing the data given by the peruser, meeting minutes, journalist’s accounts and some other wellsprings of data accessible to the person in question.

The editor-in-chief will correct any information that was distributed incorrectly in the event of a mistake:


The corrections will be published on page 2A of the following issue. Along with the correction, the issue, article, and incorrect information will be noted.


An editor’s note will be added to the article’s bottom to explain what went wrong and when it was changed. The article will be corrected.


The neuzverse.com will post a link to the corrected article and note the correction if the article was shared on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media platform.

The editor-in-chief will communicate the steps taken to correct the error with the reader who submitted the correction after it has been made.